Services and Chesed
Chofetz Chaim Kallah Fund, is a unique Tzedaka organization designed to help needy Kallahs throughout our communities begin their new lives with joy.

It all began about fifteen years ago with a phone call to the Rebbetzin about a young woman in the community who was engaged to be married. "This is a young woman who has never owned a new dress, who has never gone to a store to purchase a pair of shoes, who doesn't know what it's like to have an article of clothing that belongs to her and isn't shared among her siblings that she can take with her to her new home when she gets married next week, is there anything we can do for her?" Using her experience as a shopper she quickly adopted this young woman's cause. She whisked the grateful Kallah on a whirlwind shopping trip, purchasing clothing for Shabbos and weekday, shoes, robes, coats, scarves, hair coverings and personal items, outfitting her with dignity for her week of sheva brachos, her first year of marriage, and beyond.

The Kallah, thinking her mother had arranged this trip and never realizing that she was the beneficiary of Tzedaka, was overjoyed. Word spread, and she received a call about a second Kallah, and then a third. The trickle turned into a flood, and today, the Kallah Fund works with over 100 Kallah's a year. The Rebbetiz has arranged for donations and significant discounts from sympathetic vendors and retailers, and is seeking equally kind and gracious personal shoppers as assistants to deal with the overflow.

One Kallah shopping at Off Fifth, exclaimed at the beauty of the racks of clothing. "I've never shopped in a store before," she said in awe. " Since I was a small child, my clothing has always come from bags of donations. I feel like a princess heading into my wedding with all of this."

The Kallah Fund using its shoppers' experience and knowledge is proud that an entire clothing trousseau is purchased for the least amount of money possible, high quality items purchased at discount that retain their classic style and last for years. "With a relatively small investment we are able to purchase all of a Kallah's needs, even more significantly, due to the generosity and time of so many wonderful people, we are able to do so in a way where the Kallah feels truly elevated.

What better hiddur can we give to the beautiful mitzvah of Hachnasas Kallah?"
Please partner with us by calling:
Rebbitzen Bylu Zaks at 845 538 7100

Rebbetzin Bylu Zaks 845 538 7100
Founded By the Chofetz Chaim Zt"l 1864
Copyright 2019 Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim Inc.
Kallah Shopping